Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The (somewhat) unmessy birth of a new sports blog

Berlin Welcomes 2010

Welcome to my second attempt to start up a blog, this time... it's personal.

Not really, but the time has come to get back into the writing game, especially with a focus on a few of my favorite topics: Sports, pop culture and Tiger Woods' kinky personal life.

But I digress, here at the LXB, you'll get the best possible coverage of the St. Louis Cardinals, Green Bay Packers, Saluki sports, U.S. Soccer, some Premiere League and whatever else crosses my mind. So if any of that interests you, then congratulations -- you found a spot to settle down and read some interesting articles. Bon Appetit!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogosphere, jackass!

    /seriously, good luck
